Source code for

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

Registry of all constant status code

    describes the CoAP Code Registry

    describes the CoAP Media Type Registry

    describes the CoAP Option Number Registry

from struct import pack, unpack
from pycolo import DEFAULT_PORT
from pycolo.structures import LookupDict

_msgType = {
    0: ("CON", "con", "confirmable",  "default"),
    1: ("NON", "non", "NonConfirmable"),
    2: ("ACK", "ack", "acknowledgment"),
    3: ("RST", "rst", "reset"),

_codes = {
    #  Constants
    0: ("EMPTY_MESSAGE", "empty"),

    #  CoAP method codes
    1: ("METHOD_GET", "get", "GET"),
    2: ("METHOD_POST", "post", "POST", "CLASS_SUCCESS", "ok"),
    3: ("METHOD_PUT", "put", "PUT"),
    4: ("METHOD_DELETE", "delete", "client_error"),
    5: ("CLASS_SERVER_ERROR", "Server_Error"),

    #  class 2.xx
    65: ("RESP_CREATED", "2.01 Created", "created"),
    66: ("RESP_DELETED", "2.02 Deleted", "deleted"),
    67: ("RESP_VALID", "2.03 Valid", "valid"),
    68: ("RESP_CHANGED", "2.04 Changed", "changed"),
    69: ("RESP_CONTENT", "2.05 Content", "content"),

    #  class 4.xx
    128: ("RESP_BAD_REQUEST", "4.00 Bad Request"),
    129: ("RESP_UNAUTHORIZED", "4.01 Unauthorized"),
    130: ("RESP_BAD_OPTION", "4.02 Bad Option"),
    131: ("RESP_FORBIDDEN", "4.03 Forbidden"),
    132: ("RESP_NOT_FOUND", "4.04 Not Found"),
    133: ("RESP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED", "4.05 Method Not Allowed"),
    134: ("RESP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE", "4.06 Not Acceptable"),
    140: ("RESP_PRECONDITION_FAILED", "4.12 Precondition Failed"),
    141: ("RESP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE", "4.13 Request Entity Too Large"),
    143: ("RESP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE", "4.15 Unsupported Media Type"),

    #  class 5.xx
    160: ("RESP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "5.00 Internal Server Error"),
    161: ("RESP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", "5.01 Not Implemented"),
    162: ("RESP_BAD_GATEWAY", "5.02 Bad Gateway"),
    163: ("RESP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE", "5.03 Service Unavailable"),
    164: ("RESP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT", "5.04 Gateway Timeout"),
    165: ("RESP_PROXYING_NOT_SUPPORTED", "5.05 Proxying Not Supported"),

    #  from draft-IETF-core-block
    136: ("RESP_REQUEST_ENTITY_INCOMPLETE", "incomplete"),

refCodes = _codes

_mediaCode = {
    0: ("TEXT_PLAIN", "plain", "txt", "text"),
    1: ("TEXT_XML", "xml"),
    2: ("TEXT_CSV", "csv"),
    3: ("TEXT_HTML", "html"),
    21: ("IMAGE_GIF", "gif"),
    22: ("IMAGE_JPEG", "jpeg", "jpg"),
    23: ("IMAGE_PNG", "png"),
    24: ("IMAGE_TIFF", "tiff"),
    25: ("AUDIO_RAW", "audio"),
    26: ("VIDEO_RAW", "video"),
    40: ("APPLICATION_LINK_FORMAT", "link"),
    41: ("APPLICATION_XML", "appXML"),
    42: ("APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM", "stream"),
    43: ("APPLICATION_RDF_XML", "rdfXML"),
    44: ("APPLICATION_SOAP_XML", "soapXML"),
    45: ("APPLICATION_ATOM_XML", "atomXML"),
    46: ("APPLICATION_XMPP_XML", "xmppXML"),
    47: ("APPLICATION_EXI", "exi"),
    48: ("APPLICATION_FASTINFOSET", "fastInfoSet"),
    49: ("APPLICATION_SOAP_FASTINFOSET", "soapFastInfoSet"),
    50: ("APPLICATION_JSON", "json"),
    51: ("APPLICATION_X_OBIX_BINARY", "xObixBin"),

# Encoders

[docs]def string_once(min_size, max_size, default=None): """ TODO :param min_size: :param max_size: :param default: :return: """ return { "range": range(min_size, max_size), "repeat": False, "format": "str", "encoder": lambda x: b"" if x == default else x.encode("utf-8"), "decoder": lambda raw: raw.decode("utf-8") }
[docs]def string_many(min_size, max_size, default=None): """ Repeatable string option. :param min_size: :param max_size: :param default: :return: """ return { "range": range(min_size, max_size), "repeat": True, "encoder": lambda x: b"" if x == default else x.encode("utf-8"), "decoder": lambda raw: raw.decode("utf-8") }
[docs]def opaque_256_many(min_size, max_size, default=None): """ TODO :param min_size: :param max_size: :param default: :return: """ return { "range": range(min_size, max_size), "repeat": True, "format": "opaque", "encoder": lambda x: b"" if x == default else pack("!H", x), "decoder": lambda raw: raw }
[docs]def presence_once(): """ TODO :return: """ return { "repeat": False, "format": None, "encoder": lambda x: b"", "decoder": lambda raw: True }
[docs]def uint_once(min_size, max_size, default=None): """ TODO :param min_size: :param max_size: :param default: :return: """ return { "range": range(min_size, max_size), "repeat": False, "encoder": lambda x: b"" if x == default else pack("!H", x), "decoder": lambda raw: unpack("!H", raw) }
[docs]def uint_many(min_size, max_size, default=None): """ TODO :param min_size: :param max_size: :param default: :return: """ return { "range": range(min_size, max_size), "repeat": True, "encoder": lambda x: b"" if x == default else pack("!H", x), "decoder": lambda raw: unpack("!H", raw) }
options = { 1: opaque_256_many(0, 8).update(name="If-Match"), # core-coap-12 3: string_once(1, 255).update(name="Uri-Host"), # core-coap-12 4: opaque_256_many(1, 8).update(name="etag"), # core-coap-12 !! once in rp 5: presence_once().update(name="if_none_match"), # core-coap-12 6: uint_once(0, 3).update(name="observe"), # core-observe-07 7: uint_once(0, 2, DEFAULT_PORT).update(name="uri_port"), # core-coap-12 8: string_many(0, 255).update(name="location_path"), # core-coap-12 11: string_many(0, 255).update(name="uri_path"), # core-coap-12 12: uint_once(0, 2).update(name="content_format"), # core-coap-12 14: uint_once(0, 4, 60).update(name="max_age"), # core-coap-12 15: string_many(0, 255).update(name="uri_query"), # core-coap-12 16: uint_many(0, 2).update(name="accept"), # core-coap-12 20: string_many(0, 255).update(name="location_query"), # core-coap-12 23: uint_once(0, 3).update(name="block2"), # core-block-10 27: uint_once(0, 3).update(name="block1"), # core-block-10 28: uint_once(0, 4).update(name="size"), # core-block-10 35: string_many(1, 1034).update(name="proxy_uri") # core-coap-12 } opt_i = dict([v, k] for k, v in options.items())
[docs]def isRequest(code): """ Checks whether a code indicates a request. :param code: code the code to check :return: True if the code indicates a request """ return 1 <= code <= 31
[docs]def isValid(code): #return (code >= 0) && (code <= 31)) || ((code >= 64) && (code <= 191) """ Checks whether a code indicates a valid. :param code: Code to test. :return: True if option number is valid, False otherwise. """ return 0 <= code <= 255
[docs]def isResponse(code): """ Checks whether a code indicates a response number. :param code: Code to test :return: True if option number is a valid response number, False otherwise. """ return 64 <= code <= 191
[docs]def isElective(optionNumber): """ Checks whether a code indicates an elective option number. :param optionNumber: Code to test :return: True if option number is a valid elective number, False otherwise. """ return (optionNumber & 1) == 0
[docs]def responseClass(code): """ Returns the response class of a code :param code: the code to check :return: The response class of the code """ return (code >> 5) & 0x7
def _init(d, status): for (code, titles) in list(status.items()): for title in titles: setattr(d, title, code) if not title.startswith('\\'): setattr(d, title.upper(), code) codes = LookupDict(name="status_code") mediaCodes = LookupDict(name="media_code") msgType = LookupDict(name="msgType") _init(codes, _codes) _init(mediaCodes, _mediaCode) _init(msgType, _msgType)

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